Microsode #6: It is isn’t.

Leonard always has an interesting outlook on things. What one person might think it “is”, another will think it “isn’t”. In this microsode Leonard proves (to himself for certain and to others possibly) that the world can be full of things that are both. You just have to look.

Can’t see the video below? Watch it on YouTube.

2 Responses to “Microsode #6: It is isn’t.”

  1. from Beckett

    My first reaction to the “Is/Isn’t” microsode -was the same as with the other pieces especially the pure knockout- Leonard is a crackpot. But I kept thinking about them and then rewatched it and I can totally see his point. I can see where he’s coming from. Not sure I believe his point of view yet but they make me think. Maybe Leonard is a philosopher?

  2. from Rosemary's Baby


    I read your bio. Now here’s a little something about me (I will save more intimate details in case you agree to my proposition)… I, too, love adventure and doing things that make me feel ALIVE or at least not dead. I went skydiving on my 30th birthday, contemplated going freefalling but opted against that route, obtained a license to operate and/or drive a motorcycle a few years after that, took sailing lessons about a year after that and most recently enrolled in Tae Kwon Do and am working toward a black belt. I hope to incorporate all of those into a new kata to be performed during the regional finals in Washburn, Wisconsin next October. I love an adrenaline rush!

    So, here’s my proposition. I have been looking for something adventurous to do in commemoration my next milestone birthday (Oh, No! The big Four Zero) I propose that we meet somewhere; a coffee house or restaurant would do, so I can get to know a little more about Who Leonard Is or Isn’t. I don’t even mind the cameras… (I’m not vain, just somewhat of an exhibitionist.)

    What do you say, Leonard? I find you charming, is that the word I am looking for? and bet you clean up real nice!

    Regards and look forward to your response,
    Rosemary’s Baby

    PS. I too adore the mental gymnastics of an aesthetic of refuse.

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